


上集- 圭.雨.優.沅

下集- ...ALL 



























所以有種代入的濃濃睡意 ..~













































這樣一比賢尼好像一直都是那幾種頭 <-那也沒關係


































































































烈: 這麼嚴重!! 
































比起一個一個擺姿勢 這樣隨意的樣子更好

因為他一個一個擺每次都是重覆的那些 A.B.C.A.D 這樣在重覆












喜歡左邊的 小孩子洙



: 我快沒有姿勢可以擺了






最後就.... 好像默默變成了還算了解他的人

這就是現在心中所謂: 我也不想知道啊為什麼我會知道!!! 這樣的狀況



沅: 你想要表示什麼.. 













為什麼不是沅沅 因為他是貧乳(1) 還有他有肚毛(2)



































圭: 我就是這樣子(會滑滑板)的人!  ̄ー ̄








































俯視超可愛的啊 >U<


種尼雖然也在家裡但是不會像賢尼明洙有養著的感覺(圭: 養什麼養啊

就是很可愛啊 我的忙內







萌翻的陶醉臉 >U<


































沅: 現在是每天都叫著身體身體的在說話嗎 <-貧乳安靜!! 






























要喝水嗎~ (才不是)




要喝油漆罐嗎 ~ ●´▽`●


才不要 ಠ益ಠ



















為什麼叫種尼做這件事 (啊不然要誰


烈烈? 張東? 





優: 我負責遞噴漆桶~~~










那個是小小的露胸了嗎 ~

可是是黑白的 吐豔>W< 





我... 不會滑滑板.... 




















金. 聖. 圭


 圭: 為什麼這樣 -_-||| 








這真是一個... 討厭的籠子... 
















緊緊的被抱著的我們賢尼 >U< 

























天啊你好勇敢 因為我想了想我發現我不敢
















我非常喜歡男生穿不是牛仔褲的褲子 尤其是淺色的 






圭: 死個屁啊  <-愛破褲



























明洙xi好像.... 一點也不想搶球啊... 










































賢尼學張東一起ROCK >U<












































圭: 以我為主 是的 











請自行把他按右鍵變大看 沅沅會感謝你的









這張圖真的... 超好笑


































































種尼 明洙 賢尼 


























































圭: 不要說這麼噁心的話  






















阿圭 超級 無敵 燦爛XDD 











沅沅抓住了賢尼的手 >U<















唉呀打哈欠的賢尼好古錐 >U<






































因為我不敢在國外搭計程車 除非我真的迷路了 


俄羅斯也 很想要去看看

因為OGS而燃燒的旅遊魂 已經在計畫之中繞了世界一圈了呢 ... 






To the members (dongsaengs) I love,


I’m thankful for Dongwoo always being so bright and happy and taking the role as the second oldest.


Woohyun, I’m thankful for always filling in the things I missed. You’re manly, and you take on the role of a main vocal very well and I thank you for that.



Hoya, I thank you for taking it so well when you’re stuck between the oldest and the youngest, it must be hard. (*laughter*)  在年長和年幼之間卡在那很辛苦


Also, L, I’m proud to see you enjoy your hobby and even releasing a book. You got to film a commercial by yourself, I’m jealous and I hope you take us out to eat one day.  賺得多的明洙帶我們去吃飯


When I see Sungyeol acting so well, I realize that you’re talented at many things, and I hope that you continue to work hard.


I’m thankful that Sungjong takes care of his older members so well, being the youngest. Sometimes, I feel like you’re the leader. (*laughter*)














1. 出海外必需品 2.飛機上做甚麼 3.美國初印象

4. 到美國先去做的 5. 想跟誰幹甚麼 6. 印象最深刻的是 

7. 好萊嗚英雄 8. 不當歌手的話要? 9. LA如何. 10. 和成員去旅行要去哪 和誰 

11. 度假想要去? 12. 國外旅行的時尚品是? 




» Must need items for when you go outside the country?



» A long trip to America, what do you do during the flight?

Since you can watch movies on the flight, I watched movies. ‘Hotel Transylvania’, ‘Oblivion’ it was a time for me to think of the world. I realized that expressing the world isn’t the only important thing.


» First destination America, how do you feel?

This is my second time here. Almost 10 years ago, when I was in middle school? I guess it’s the same for everyone when they’re young; big and scary. However this time, it was more friendly, if only I could speak the language. I could’ve gotten closer. I wanted to go around more! (*laughter*) At Hollywood, I noticed that a few fans noticed us, so we took pictures. The view was nice. It’s the country of freedom so there were a lot of people outside. I danced on the streets, it was fun.


» What did you do when you first arrived?

We went to eat burgers. Big size! I’m a good eater so I don’t think I had a hard time in the different countries when it came to food.


» When you go to America again, with whom and with what purpose do you want to go?

I want to go, not with family or for work, but for the sole purpose of touring. I want to go to tourist sites like the Grand Canyon and fit in with the others. I want to go to the Native Americans and mix in with them too.


» Do you have any places, scenes etc. that you remember well?

We stayed at Santa Monica for about 20 minutes. People of all ages, men and women, were playing, eating, and being free and that left a good impression on me. People didn’t care about the people around them, they did what they wanted to do so it was a space where people left each other alone. I was so into that place that I almost wasn’t able to film the music video.


»How was Las Vegas?

Home of the casinos. The noises of happiness, delight, sadness, despair makes your ears tired. Solitude was mixed in with all this and it was subtle but weird feeling. Truthfully, I don’t like gambling or games etc., so I walked around aimlessly. Then I saw a street artist do art with unique materials, He took a thin metal slab and sprayed many different colors on it and then scraped it with a cutter knife to finish the art. It was different than caricatures and portraits. It was pop art, vividness, and scratches all mixed in together that brings out the character of Las Vegas itself and that’s what made me remember it the most.


» A hero you really wanted to see in Hollywood?

Truthfully speaking, I like animations a lot more than superheroes so I wanted to see different animation characters, but it’s not a possible thing right? Hm…if I got to meet one (animated) it would be Lion King’s Timon & Pumbaa! They would yell “Hakuna matata” and tell me that there’s nothing to worry about. I like being liberated and free-spirited. Also, I want to meet Anne Hathaway, the person who played Catwoman from the movie ‘The Dark Knight Rises [2012]’. Why? She’s Pretty! Haha!


» When looking at the pictures, your expressions made it seem like everything was so fun, if you got the chance to act, what genres and characters would you like to take?

My looks aren’t what you call a good looking face but I would say that I would have some charismatic features. So, I would like to take on fun hero types like Iron Man. Like ‘Hancock’ I want to be like a beggar but end up still a cool hero.


» If you didn’t become a singer but took a road of a different kind of artist?

Hm…Honestly, I haven’t thought of anything other than being a singer. But, if I was born again, I want to try being a fashion designer. I like things that are fun and unique and full of individuality. But in this life, I want to fulfill my life as a cool singer and end it perfectly.


» If you wanted to take a memorable vacation with your members, where would you go?

If we’re together, anywhere! If we go outside the country, our bodies and hearts will be free. (這回答跟沅沅一樣)

只要有東雨哥(沅沅) 哪裡都無所謂


» Where is a place you really want to go as a vacation?

The island located underneath Italy; Capri Island! I heard that the view is beautiful because the sea is blue and the structures are all white. Also, I heard that in the Capri Island, there are caves that are depicted as the 10th best scene in the world. I like adventure styled vacation, so I would like to go there.




Wow! My brothers ~

Sungkyu hyung, honestly, we were broken up a lot during the trip, but I wanted to thank you for pulling us along like Captain America like the ‘Avengers’ movies and

Sungyeol, you moved around Black Widow, bouncing around everywhere. (黑蜘蛛嗎 就因為腿長?)

L was like the friend who shot arrows;Hawkeye, who always was there helping out. 鷹眼

Also, Hoya, I would thank you for being like Hulk and using your strength to pull everyone together along well,

and Sungjong, thank you for cheering us up when we were down. It must’ve been hard for you, but because of you, we all gained strength!

And lastly, like the trustworthy Thor, Woohyun, you were the mood maker. Thus, you never let the flow go away. Even in the future, I hope we go like this my brothers! Let’s do well~!














不是還有和成烈嗎 ? 














不是已經完成了嗎?~ 艾菲爾鐵塔前照相 

之後說的那曲子 ... 應該就是閉上眼睛吧 ?  以時間點來說.. 

為什麼社長總喜歡 "你是甚麼!!" 這樣的指定人XDDD

"這次就是羅密歐!!" 然後曲子甚麼都還沒想就



.. oppa你有點可愛 XD





To my members who I feel like I have thorns in my eyes if I don’t see them


To our youngest, Sungjong, you must get a lot of stress but I feel relieved thinking that you got to release all that stress while we were in America. Sometimes I think “I couldn’t have done that if I was the youngest” and feel thankful.


L, you’re our core, our support, and our center, you’re doing well right? Let’s keep doing well in the future!


Sungyeol is a friend with lots of charm the more you know him and he’s a member we can’t be without, you know that right? I can’t hate you even if I wanted to. You sometimes lack on expressing yourself to the other members but we have a long way to go together, so let’s keep going together.


Hoya’s also a member we can’t be without. He does a lot for the group. I really thank you. I’m older by a month but you treat me so well. I hope that we can go to many different trips together and laugh together. I know you have a lot in thought and I want to take some off your mind.

我只比你大幾個月你卻對我這麼好 希望能夠和你一起快樂旅行 我知道你有很多想法 希望我能替你分憂


Dongwoo, my greatest friend in Infinite, thank you for always helping me when I had worries.


Sungkyu hyung, we play around a lot like little kids, but I like how you can take care of the members and lead us in the right way as a leader, you’re like a captain but also a brother. I want to call you “Ay, Kim Hyung” I hope you’re always healthy!

圭哥 我們像小朋友一樣的一起玩 但是我知道你總是照顧著成員們像是個隊長一樣

像是隊長又只是像個哥哥而已 我想要叫你 喔一金哥 (啥鬼喇) 祝你永遠健康



















不是看起來像 .. 是你就在說謊吧XDDDDD

在飛機上看那麼久的書. 難怪眼睛會那樣

你也去吃漢堡了XDDD 只吃了三分之一.. 剩下的丟掉了









不管是那時候這時候 還是以後以後以後







沅沅的畫畫日記.... 沅沅的確是這群人(?)之中畫得最好的一個 

比較有個人風格 細節也畫得比較好 


但.. 好像是還好而已XDDDD





To my members:


The spot of a ‘leader’ must be hard but our Sungkyu hyung always assures us and it makes me feel very proud and thankful.


Dongwoo hyung, you couldn’t get away from me even if you wanted to because we were members of ‘INFINITE-H’ and we are the workers of music, always thirsty for hip hop, so you can’t betray me! (laugh).

東雨哥 就算你想要你也離不開我 因為我們是INFINITEH! 為音樂工作的人 總是對嘻哈飢渴 所以你不可以背叛我 (我看你是對張東飢渴吧) XDDD



Woohyun hyung, you seem so different from me but at the same time, we’re alike at some things. Very friendly.

你和我很不相同但同時我們又是在某些事情上很相似的 非常親切


I feel like Sungyeol knows how to read the mood very well, and you seem to take care of me at places I wouldn’t even think of, so I thank you.

成烈是個很會注意別人情緒的人 在我不知道的情況下也照顧了我 蟹蟹你 


L, you take the role of the visual in the team, and you’re talented in many different things. Thank you for always taking good pictures, when you take pictures of me, I come out nice, so I like it.

L把我拍得真帥我感謝你 (噗


Lastly, our youngest, Sungjong, what more do I have to say? You’re the youngest, but being the oldest at your house, I feel like you know how to think of others well and you’re very adult-like. You don’t know how much I thank you for holding in the things that aren’t always the easiest things to hold in.

Let’s keep doing well in the future, Infinite, my members!














Q: 旅行要帶的物品?
A :明洙買給我的筆記本電腦~還有要吃的藥,我的貧血比以前更嚴重了,所以我不得不採取醫院給我的藥品。必須確保我喝盡。

Q: 當你去美國,你主要是在飛機上做什麼的呢?
A: 離開之前的那一天始終是乏味的一天。離開的時候始終是在大晚上,我在飛機上可以睡個好覺,此外,還有合適的時間差。當我們到達時,有大量的時間都是在早上。另外,我可以申請的時間差? (什麼意思= =)這是積極的。(什麼意思= =) 是一個人的自己的訣竅。哈哈。無條件睡覺。

A: 當我在觀看洛杉磯電影,感覺很出色。但事實上,當你看到它,它並不是這樣的。然而,這只是驚人的。 「嗯,我們都是人! 」我一邊說,一邊環顧四周。這似乎是更加和平。 ( There seem to be those attractions that are free. The actions of the people living there have been making that city. 看不懂)拉斯維加斯是真的很精彩! 「這是天意! 」


» When you go to America again, with whom and with what purpose do you want to go?

I saw OOOShow this time. So next time, I want to watch the KA Show with my friends.

» Do you have any places, scenes etc. that you remember well?

When we went to Hollywood, there were a lot of people cosplaying. I didn’t even know what was going on but Dongwoo was already going there and taking pictures with those people! I was jealous so I took some photos with them as well but then one of the people kissed me all of a sudden! I got really happy and thought, “Wow! This is a whole new world! It’s a place where you can freely kiss people!” But then, the person next to me who was dressed as a clown laughed and told me that “the person you thought was a female isn’t the female you were thinking of” and made fun of me! The person…was a guy. It was a great culture shock for me and all my emotions were mixed up for me in Hollywood. 阿烈被親了 他還在那裡高興結果人家告訴他那個人是男的 

» A hero you really wanted to see in Hollywood?

I really like Iron man… but after the trip to Hollywood, all the fantasies were broken. An Iron Man who is clearly not even 20% close the original came out! Of course I’m at an age where I shouldn’t be crying at the disappointment of this, but I was a bit upset.

» If you didn’t become a singer but took a road of a different kind of artist?

My original dream was to be an actor so I would’ve become an actor. I clearly remember this being my first actual important decision and I ran around yelling “this is it!”. This was a card I couldn’t let go no matter what. I got experience through working to get the money to go to acting school and getting on shows as extras hundreds of times just because I said I wanted to do it. I have a desire to be acknowledged as an actor one day. I look like I have a lot of things I want to do? I’m the type who has to do things if I say I want to do it! Haha!

» How was Las Vegas?

Truthfully speaking, ‘OOOShow’ was the most memorable. Bellagio Hotel had the ‘OOO Show’ while the MGM Hotel had the ‘KA Show’. If you would say that the ‘OOO Show’ is like water, then the ‘KA Show’ would be the fire show. The ‘OOO Show’ was so beyond my imagination that I thought to myself about how I really want to see the other show. It was so gorgeous yet dreamy, and since it was a show that leaner towards performance, it stuck to a plot so simple that even people who are very simple like me got it. Flying in the sky was basic, there was a pool that changed its depth and size freely and the beautiful performers flew away beautifully. It was surely pricey but, I think it was worth way more than that. It was a performance that made all the others seem frivolous!

» If you wanted to take a memorable vacation with your members, where would you go?

There was a time when I went to Phuket and Pattaya with the company family. Pattaya was really memorable; we rode a boat and taken to an island and was dropped off. We swam there. I went to swimming a lot when I went to the jungle last time so I’m very confident [in swimming]! 普吉島. 全公司的人

» Where is a place you really want to go as a vacation?

We’re going to London, New York, and Paris during our world tour. Through this, I want to gain experience from it by looking around and expanding my views whenever I have time.

» When you go overseas traveling, what fashion style do you prefer?

Usually when people go travel overseas, they dress specially right? Well, I don’t like that. I like to bring out the stylishness of dressing casually. I don’t think it’s right to wear skinny pants that block your blood flow on a plane for 10+ hours. Must need items are hats, pants, and t-shirts.

哈哈哈哈哈哈 跟種尼說XDDDD






To my members that I love so much!

Sungkyu hyung, first, I’m sure a great person because it’s not easy taking care of six troublemakers. Sungkyu hyung, the person I can trust and who I can talk to for advice! You know that we’re already family right? We’re family because we can tell each other everything. I’m so happy that I can be with you forever! 

這樣照顧我們6個麻煩人 給了我很多意見 我們就像家人一樣 能夠跟你一直一起我很開心


Dongwoo hyung, you’re the second oldest, yet, I feel like you’re sometimes are more childlike than I am. But, I also get strength from you when I see you always smiling. I think I can only smile because of you Dongwoo hyung, and I’m thankful for that. The person who comes and helps me think of our beginnings and straighten out my heart whenever I become lazy;

有時候比我還要幼稚 但是總是從你那獲得力量 總是因為你而大笑 你是個讓我能夠在懶惰時回想初衷.以及面對我真心的人


Hoya. Whether we have the world tour to tend to or our practices get cancelled or while everyone’s sleeping because they’re tired, you always practiced and looking at that made me work harder. I think you for that. 大家都在休息的時候你是那個會不斷練習想要做到更好的人


Woohyun hyung! I, the person who can’t really express my feelings towards others, feel like I’ve learned so much from your love towards the fans. It’s cool how you think “treat the fans like your girlfriend you care for a lot”. You are the hyung who taught me fan love; you’re a very good hyung! The team’s visual and my very best friend,

你教會我怎樣表達自己的感情 像是對粉絲表達你的愛 你是個好哥!  (呼應了上面賢尼說烈不太會表達自己的感情)


L! The greatest friend. Truthfully speaking, we fought a lot during our trainee days, but we became that much closer right? (laugh)

我最好的朋友 說真心話的好有 我們在練習生時打過很多次架 但是也變得更親了 


Lastly, our youngest, Sungjong. I sometimes get surprised by how you deal with things with such a high level of maturity no matter how hard it is and I’m so proud because of that. You will become a great person in the future! You’re as pure as an angel! After I came back from the jungle, I realized how hard it is being the youngest so I’m going to be better towards you now! I always thank you!

知道你做忙內的辛苦以後會對你好一點的  你越來越成熟了 像是天使一樣單純 












» Must need items for when you go outside the country?

Personal carrier, three camera lens and a camera body, notebook etc. Mostly things needed for photography.


» A long trip to America, what do you do during the flight?

I listened to music that was on the flight, it was Alicia Keys’ intro song. You would feel like you were in a bar [if you did the same].


» First destination America, how do you feel?

It was a long flight of 13 hours. I didn’t wake up even once during the whole flight. Because I was happy about being able to sleep, I remember that I shouted out “Wow! This is America” in admiration. It was a whole new world. I was wondering how we would be filming here and had high expectations but then I couldn’t even get to walk around much. I had high expectations the first day but the realization of how alike the place was to Korea came quickly. The only difference I experienced was language and I sat at the filming site very confused.


» What did you do when you first arrived?

As soon as I got arrived at the airport, I took pictures. There weren’t a lot of tall buildings as I thought there would be.



» When you go to America again, with whom and with what purpose do you want to go?

I would like to go to Las Vegas with close guy friends who are around the same age as me. Of course we wouldn’t gamble. I want to see shows that you wouldn’t be able to see anywhere in Korea, like the ‘KA Show’, ‘OOO Show’ etc.


» Do you have any places, scenes etc. that you remember well?

I remember the shopping street called ‘Melrose’. It was LA, there were a lot of Americans, ah, well that’s a given when you go to America. (laugh). I was really amazed at how I could see everything I would see in a movie, right in front of my eyes. This, right here, is LA!


» A hero you really wanted to see in Hollywood?
The character from that left a strong impression on me; Bumblebee! I really wanted to meet(see) it„ but there wasn’t even a person wearing a costume of it so I was disappointed. When I get a chance to go to Hollywood again, I’ll make sure I see it!


» If you didn’t become a singer but took a road of a different kind of artist?

I think everyone noticed by now. Photographer is NO.1. As long as I have my freedom and the camera I’m most used to, I would feel like I have wings on my arms and legs. I think I would’ve gotten through work lightly but powerfully. I like to take pictures of subjects but, I wouldn’t mind being a model to show myself better by becoming the subject.


» How was Las Vegas?

I was exhausted from the hours of moving around and I thought to myself, “What happens, happens”. Moving on the bus for 6 hours could be compared to going down to the countryside on the holidays, and it’s tiring. However, when we arrived and I fell in love with the beauty. I thought to myself about how I wanted to come here again plus, the best live show was a show that made my heart go through a lot of emotions. Las Vegas seemed to be a place that was its own independent country. It was like a paradise different from any of the worlds beyond it, it was also a place where I think the nighttime was more exciting than the daytime.


» If you wanted to take a memorable vacation with your members, where would you go?

I want to enjoy water activities at Phuket [with my members]. Phi Phi Islands! We went there with our company family before and it was really fun. I want to feel the fun we had again.


» Where is a place you really want to go as a vacation?

Bora Bora Islands. I heard it will sink in 50 years. I will have to go before it does!


» You already released your 2nd photo essay book, did you take more beautiful pictures in America?

Because I was with my members almost every day of the trip, there’s a lot of pictures of the members. We had a limited radius so I couldn’t take many pictures as I wanted to so I was upset about that.





-Infinite, To my loving members


I’m always thankful to Sungkyu hyung for taking care of us like a dad and

Dongwoo hyung for taking the role of a mom. 金明洙我覺得你需要再教育.=_= 

I thank Woohyun hyung for always bringing our mood up whenever, 謝謝優賢哥總是讓大家心情嗨起來 

and Howon(??!!) always helps the group hold on tight so he’s a very important member. 浩沅總是讓團體繃緊狀態,他是很重要的腳色 (沅沅你真是......)

Sungyeol is like a vitamin. I’m always thankful for him showing us his bright side. 成烈是維他命,謝謝他展示了他光明的那面

I’m thankful that Sungjong listens to the hyungs well. 謝謝成種很聽哥哥們話


The word “thank you” might be boring and worn out now, but I think those are the only words I could say. (laugh)

I think it’s a great memory that I could experience America with Infinite.

It was tiring then, but I think all the fun times we had there will come back to me as time passes by.










Sungjong –


» Must need items for when you go outside the country?

Cellphone and Ipad, Face mask pack, MP3


» A long trip to America, what do you do during the flight?

I listen to music, pop song, new songs, I listen to piano songs a lot or OSTs like ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’. I feel safe and very happy. You feel energized when you’re tired.


» First destination America, how do you feel?

To step into a place I’ve only been able to see through movies and photos made it that much cooler for me. I bought some things as I bought a new pair of sneakers, so I was really happy while I was shopping. It was really fun and the food was good as well. When we were shooting the music video, catered food was waiting for us. Eating charcoal grille meat, steak, salmon and sushi helped me gain strength. The foods with grease especially helped during the [synchronized] dance scenes.


» What did you do when you first arrived?

I unpacked my luggage at the hotel, and the first days are always the most free days of our trips so I went out looking around while drinking some drinks. The moving time to get to the photoshoot spots were long so when I had the time, I always rested. I swam at the hotel’s pool, I’m that great of a swimmer but I enjoy the water. I want to try scuba diving and snorkeling and different water sports.


» When you go to America again, with whom and with what purpose do you want to go?

Close people. Members are fine and so are company family members. I want to enjoy everything through a tour. I [also] want to watch the ‘OOO Show’ as well.


» Do you have any places, scenes etc. that you remember well?

Hollywood and art street! All the cosplayers were amusing and the fact that I was shooting a photoshoot was like a dream to me. It was tiring because I couldn’t get much sleep but there were more fun times.


» A hero you really wanted to see in Hollywood?

Superman. People might laugh at me when they hear this but, the many memories of him making my heart flutter with his red cape is equivalent to the amount of times his cape flapped when he was up in the sky. The red underwear on top of the pants were a bit burdensome for me but he was a normal guy before he transforms. I can’t even tell you how charismatic and cool for me to watch him take off his glasses then transform. Superman ~


» If you didn’t become a singer but took a road of a different kind of artist?

I might’ve become a designer. I don’t want to specialize in hair, make-up, wardrobe, editing, etc. or any of the small areas, I would’ve become the one who overlooks everything; a visual director. It’s a new thing but it’s been growing these days so I want to hurry and try it one day. If I want to get greedier, I want to personally launch a fashion brand in my name. Would that be too much?


» How was Las Vegas?

I got to see the greatest live show. It was a show where the size and work was so big that the only thing I could say was “How did they dare [to]”. The ‘OOO Show’ I went to see with everyone was one of the shows from and I got to experience the beauty of the Water show. It was so cool that it would be a big regret if you took your glasses! To be honest, before we got to see the show, we watched the movie on the plane but how could it beat the live? The ‘OOO Show’ was such a high quality show that it became the meaning of Las Vegas to me. It was that good!


» If you wanted to take a memorable vacation with your members, where would you go?

Australia. I want to spend time there by going to see famous places, streets, and try the food. I want to go to the zoo, take a lot of pictures and make a photo book. I want to buy a photo album and put all the pretty pictures our fans took. I don’t know what expressions I had then but if I put all the pictures together, I can reminisce all the times and go “these were the days”. I want to want to try different lay outs as well. Step design, vertical, horizontal, etc. I want to study design as well.


» Where is a place you really want to go as a vacation?

We got to go to Jakarta this time but we didn’t get to go the Bali. I want to go see the Turtle Island in Bali and try different good foods and get massages. I heard that Tahiti’s Bora Bora Island is number one though. I heard that it’s a must-go spot because it will sink soon. I want to go to the Maldives, with my family.


» What is the directionality of this photobook in Sungjong’s mind?

Super special cool looks! I want people to realize, ‘Ah, I didn’t notice this but, Infinite has these charms”. I want them to have some healing as they look through this cool layout and nice pictures. I want it to be a healing photobook where people absentmindedly go “ah!” when they’re sad. I want it to be a photobook that has so many things that all the fans want to keep it forever with them.






Infinite, To my loving members


Sungkyu hyung, I want to thank you for leading us so well with you leadership, please take care of your health. It’s time you took care of your health yourself…. Health is always first!

Dongwoo hyung, you always look so cool up on stage, the gazes in your eyes are always good, and I thank you for always doing your second hyung duties so well. Don’t ever lose that bright smile and continue to go on.

Woohyun hyung, it’s good to see your confidence overflowing, I think that’s the best for you! 優賢哥.你的過度自信很好.我想這是你最棒的一點. (呀李成種說啥呢

Hoya hyung looks so cool when you’re dancing on stage and it makes me want to try harder. You leg is hurt so be careful and take your vitamins!

Sungyeol hyung, I thank you for always listening to my problems and saying nice stuff to me.總是聆聽我的困擾並給我好的意見 We’re doing well right now so hwaiting! I will always be behind you and cheer you on.

Myungsoo hyung, our so handsome Myungsoo hyung, sometimes you’re like my friend and sometimes like my trustworthy hyung. Thanks for always hanging out with me. I hope that you’ll always be next to me like right now.


I thank all the hyungs and I will show you a good maknae side of me. Let’s go together for a long time!



除了賢尼都是暖暖噠 .... (噗











Infinite I.D.E.A 1st Photobook Making DVD









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